The Company
SAB&T IFC is a boutique, independently owned management company operating in the Global Business sector in Mauritius. With over 15 years of experience in the sector, we have built expertise and excellence in structuring, set-up and administration of offshore solutions.
The directors of SAB&T IFC are Chartered Accountants and aim to provide our clients with top class business solutions in the shortest possible time with full satisfaction.
SAB&T IFC is an affiliate company of Nexia SAB&T, one of the largest black owned accountancy firms in South Africa and a member of Nexia International.
In today’s difficult markets and geopolitical environment, how to trade, engage in cross border business transactions or invest effectively and efficiently requires strategic thinking and innovative business solutions. Contact our experienced team of professionals to help you embark on your next international business project. We are engaged in: the formation and administration of global business or offshore vehicles, provision of sophisticated international tax planning, accounting, secretarial and other value added services.
International Network
SAB&T International Financial Consulting Ltd has privileged access to a vast international network of reputed professional advisors which enables our company for your peace of mind, to intervene on your behalf as your one-stop-shop professional service provider on several reputable international jurisdictions.
The Mauritius offshore centre is already the preferred route for inbound and outbound business or investments, among others, to and from India, South Africa, Malaysia, China, Singapore and Thailand.